動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Faery Tale Dolls
動画の再生時間 28:58
公開日 2025-02-08 09:00:06
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my mom died today and i just wanted to tell you ur video will bring me alot of joy in these dark times. thank you so much❤️
The Aphrodite doll is my absolute GRAIL doll. I just adore it.
Thank you for always taking time to discuss serious topics around race and representation in your videos. So much of “fun” popular culture is deeply impacted by social issues, and I really appreciate you making space for those discussions. I’d love to hear you interview BIPOC doll collectors to see which Barbies they feel have been done well. Have any more recent dolls been embraced for their racial / cultural representation? Has Barbie continued to make racist choices with recent dolls? I’d also love to know how the company’s creative process has changed over the past few decades. What does the diversity look like behind the scenes these days? When I look at all these goddess dolls it really pisses me off that they’re all white women (excluding the “goddess of ‘insert-continent'” dolls, which you already covered). The goddess of the sun or moon would have looked so stunning with a dark black skintone and natural hair. And there are so many fascinating goddesses from cultures all around the world – I would have loved to see those represented! (Obviously only if it’s appropriate to depict those goddesses visually and only if they hired designers from the appropriate culture). It does upset me that the goddess of the Arctic was a generic white lady. There are so many native cultures that could have been represented (again, only in partnership with designers from those cultures; totally agree with you that this particular doll line would have f-ed that up). If they didn’t feel equipped to represent particular cultures, she could have been Goddess of the Snow – a fantasy goddess who could have been depicted as any race. I also would love to see a much wider range of body types represented by these goddess. Historically, tall and thin bodies would not have always been the default way to represent the gods. And I’m sure there are also some bad ass goddesses who were depicted as old women. Would have been fun to see that as well!
Acknowledgment aside, there is a larger, more nuanced discourse concerning Bob Mackie’s four “Fantasy” Goddess Barbies: they were released between 1998-2001, far from today’s social understanding of recognizing appropriation and tone-deafness. But this involves the continued discussion concerning who is “allowed” to design for whom. Should Mattel have, at all, asked a non-white designer to create four dolls that “represented” their entire respective territories? Probably not. So why weren’t there more non-white artists employed then as–for what it’s worth–there are now?
That a white-skinned, blonde-haired, blue-eyed doll representing the Goddess of the Galaxy means something, too.
I’m still not used to tisten the ai dub YouTube put on your videos lol. Btw Princess Barbie tierlist when???