動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Xskull & Dr. Skull
公開日 2025-02-25 05:00:36
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The way there is only TWO out of the TEN ubers in this set below a tier proves how goated this set is
10 hydrogen bombs vs 1 coughing baby
Oh boy! I can’t wait to see where my favorite Almighty, Battle God Odin, shows up on this tierlist!
I was honestly more shocked by the Gaia placement than the Poseidon placement; can’t wait for the legend rare ranking to shake up everything lmao
ur art is actually so good now wow
I like how Ganesha, one of the best Ubers in the game has “questionable” Ultra talents status
I love the fact that Aphrodite is literally just “your not bad their just better”
Thank you for giving hades a proper placement, I hate the “WeLl hE’s nOT aS GooD aS-” statement, like, you know there’s stages with more than one trait, right? and he absolutely carried my ass on floor 40
I’ve been waiting for this one. Every single set has some sort of theme or connection that most of the units in that set share with only a few outliers, Dynamites typically have high stats, cheap cost, and low cool down, Dragon Emperors are typically slow, tanky, and have the knockback ability, Ultra Souls are spammable in their first forms and all target Angels, the Vajiras are all racist, and the Almighties are just the best at literally everything for some reason.
33:29 Also, Lucifer has a Strong up S combo with Cactus that not only buffs both him and Cactus, but also relevant Anti-Aku units like Lillin and Uril.
The art is so amazing, I’m honestly speechless
Ive got to say these new ranks are SOO much better than the 2022 ones the addition of each unit having their own music, teir lists, trait charts and investment guide not to mention the art these are absolutely amazing good job xskull
Poseidon: inflicts SBlow on metal seal.
Metal seal: Okay and?
This truly is an almighty ranking video.