動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Bruce Williams
動画の再生時間 10:48
公開日 2025-03-16 00:25:38
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The popularity of Omega and the moon landing seems overblown, and many other watches have also been to space.
I’m pretty sure the Zenith is a column wheel chronograph. The Omega is the one that isn’t a column wheel.
You‘re absolutely right Bruce! The ranking is correct. Good job, as always.
I think you got this wrong. I think the Speedmaster is vastly over rated and the Navitimer is vastly under rated. Take an ice blue navitimer and put it right next to a Speedmaster and have someone ask you that doesn’t know about watches which one is better looking. 9/10 would say the Navitimer.
There is nothing as cool as a Navi.
The Navi all,the way is the winner ❤
When you see that the Daytona has sub dials that do not line up with the 3 and the 9 you can’t unsee it. It’s so asymmetrical.
I love the 3861 Speedy for its design and fit on my wrist. It’s so easy to wear on its comfy bracelet or it can be worn on most straps and look great. The space history is just a bonus. For me.
I have and adore my Moonwatch, but I struggle to agree that it’s “underrated” given that I’ve never heard a single negative or even apathetic review.
I agree with your takes on the Chronomaster Sport and the Navitimer. The Moonwatch on the other hand is somewhat overrated. To be clear, the history is amazing and the watch is fantastic. Still, it gets mentioned constantly and overhyped by almost everyone, to say nothing of all the special editions. Though I love the Speedmaster range, it has to be considered at least slightly overrated.
Strangely enough, I actually own all three of these watches. You mentioned that the Breitling is the only one with a column wheel, but I ‘m looking at the column wheel on my Chronomaster Sport through the display case back and I’m 100% positive it’s there. It’s a hallmark of the El Primero movement. 😉
Recently, I’ve been wearing the Chronomaster Sport the most. It’s comfy, it keeps excellent time, and it’s versatile. I don’t think it looks much like a Daytona at all. Ceramic bezel is a trope. Everybody is using them unless they are trying for a vintage look. White and black dials are a trope, too. I mean, I have a Speedmaster Pro with a white dial and a black bezel, does that make it a Daytona homage? I actually tried on Daytonas the day before I bought this one, hated the Daytona, couldn’t figure out why they’re popular, still not sure, doesn’t make sense to me, and the only hard decision and one I think about is whether I did right buying the black dial vs. the white.
I honestly think the homage trope has been overdone, as well. To be honest, watching YouTube, every watch made in the world is some form of Rolex homage. I think if YouTube would stop being a Rolex marketing machine, the world would be a better place.
Case in point, you bring up the bracelet. Who designed the Oyster bracelet for Rolex? Gay Frere. Who designed Zenith’s bracelets? Gay Frere. Before Rolex bought Gay Frere, both Zenith and Rolex bought bracelets from them for their watches. It should come as no surprise that Zenith would reach into their back catalog and use a Gay Frere bracelet. Literally everything in this watch is something Zenith has done in the past, just not in this particular combination.
Jeweled bezels, yeah, Breitling, Omega, Audamars Piguet, Patek Philippe, Hublot, H. Moser, and yes, even Zenith in the past, has used them. Are they all copying Rolex? Same with green dials, precious metals, etc. I’ll close here because it’s gotten long and I don’t want to edit.
PS: Love you, Bruce, we need to hang out sometime!
The Speedy is arguable the GOAT and so I agree that the classic black hesalite can’t be overrated…but the sapphire sandwich…maybe a tad more. As for Zenith, I never see anyone wearing them in the wild. I see more Navitimers around than Zenith by far.
Out of the three, I like the Navi. But of course it, and the Speedy, are both classic icons.
Spot on with the Navitimer as its such a brilliant looking watch, especially the cosmonaute.