動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Babish Culinary Universe
動画の再生時間 38:07
公開日 2025-02-15 23:00:42
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As someone who has made a tradition of eating Orville Movie Theater Butter popcorn while watching movies with my son, I have discovered that the amount of time the popcorn spends in the microwave is critical to its flavor. Waiting until there are 3 or 4 seconds between pops can often take quite a while after the majority of the kernels have already popped, and that leads to not only the slightly burned flavor, but it absolutely kills the butter flavor as well. You get a far better flavor by stopping the microwave a little early and dealing with a few more unpopped kernels. It’s amazing the difference only 10 or 20 seconds makes – it’s almost like the butter flavor boils off.
I’m hoping for a ranking of every type of brown cola, including different flavors (Vanilla, Cherry, Zero Sugar, Orange, etc) and the various brands (Coke, Pepsi, RC, Faygo, etc).
When i’m stressed or panicking, these long videos of ranking things are so comforting. I can’t explain why.
Not so fun fact: Orville Redenbacher may have had a hand in preventing nuclear war in the 80s.
After doing the *Wrath of Khan* , director Nicholas Meyer went on to make a made for TV film called *The Day After* about the aftermath of an all out nuclear war. The topic was needless to say, controversial. Sponsor after sponsor started dropping out until they nearly ended up canceling the project, only Orville Redenbacher remained as a sponsor. The prime time premiere featured only popcorn ads for the first half and the final part of the movie was shown uninterrupted. It went on to be the most successful made for TV movie of all time. Ronald Regan received an early screening and his diaries say that watching *The Day After* convinced him that nuclear war couldn’t be won.
Would love to see frozen French fries ranked
Does this mean we’ll get a Ranked by Babish video of the toothpicks that helped got all the popcorn kernels out of his teeth?
And now it’s time for the sequel where he ranks all sodas to help his dry mouth from all the popcorn he had
Recently got myself some butter flavored coconut oil and Flavacol. Watching this, I made myself some popcorn. I put a little too much Flavacol in it, so it is really tasting like movie theater popcorn. Now if I just had some Milk Duds. Nice thing about using the coconut oil and Flavacol is they are both dairy free, so when my daughter’s friend with a milk allergy comes over, this is a safe snack for them.
Best popcorn comes from the dollar store, it’s already popped, in a clear bag and is extremely yellow. It tastes super buttery! The packaging is very underwhelming but the taste is great.
“Invented at a certain time by a person”
I always come to this channel for its deep analytics
Ranking all 25 flavors of pop tarts.
Maybe not to *THIS* scale but I encourage everyone to try different brands of microwave popcorn, especially if you only usually get one brand because it’s cheaper or whatever. I did this years ago and discovered Pop Secret was actually my favorite despite the fact that I’d been eating either Act II or Walmart brand popcorn for years. It’s worth it.
Its criminal that the King of microwave popcorn, the Costco Kirkland Signature Microwave Popcorn was not included in this video
I’m going to state, without a doubt, that not a single one of these will beat the Hollywood Video name brand popcorn. I am still convinced they had to close shop not because of the decline of home video rentals but because of lawyers fees from their lawsuits about their microwave popcorn being so delicious it killed people.