動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Airtime Thrills
動画の再生時間 12:45
公開日 2025-02-25 08:00:42
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Was Tidal Wave at Great America a relocation or should that have been included?
Cool… I learned a new fact. Six Flags added 189 coasters in 64 years. Chris, I wonder if you could name them all… lol
Which manufacturer have they ordered the most coasters from in the last 22 years tho?
Went to tap something on my screen and tapped the notification for this video. My phone wanted me to have a better day lol
Buy or Sell: Six Flags Will Move all of the S&S Freespins out of the big parks and send them to the smaller parks this includes Frontier City Six Flags St Louis Six Flags America Dorney Park valleyfair worlds of fun Michigan adventure and La Ronde
There is also the new Vekoma Glider that’s going to SFMM in 2026
Cedar Fair vs Six Flags, neither legacy chain exists at this point. It’s just a super chain that amplifies the problems of both. For every Astroworld, there’s a Prologis’s Great America (that’s what I’m calling the park when referencing corporate behaviour). Geagua Lake shows the problems of both, Six Flags trying to turn a small local park on a country road into a Cedar Point compeditor in a single season, Cedar Fair zoning the land to make sure an Ed Heart type couldn’t buy it and reopen the classic section because they were not willing to allow the tiniest of competition to Cedar Point (which makes Cedar Point unplesant to visit in my opinion, the lack of competition means crouds are so high you can’t find a day to go that won’t require a $200 fast lane. Where you’ll still have long lines for rides like Steel Vengeance!). Although as much as I’m anti-merger it does seem like at least Cedar Fair’s blacklist is gone with Intamin being used for retracking El Toro rather than using GCI Titain track (what the Cedar Fair move would be).
Riddle me this. If Six Flags enjoyed working with RMC so much, why did they have GCI put titan track on Predator at Six Flags Darien Lake instead of do a full redo from RMC?
2:04 I’m pretty sure you should count Rattler at SF Fiesta Texas as an RCCA coaster added by Six Flags (and then still count Iron Rattler for RMC after its conversion).
You missed Wild Waves and the 2 coasters they built there. Klondike Gold Rusher from Zamperla and Timberhawk from S&S.
Chris… T3 hasn’t left us yet, it’s been relocated to a park in India and has been in storage since 2024 or 2025…
I think you forgot American Eagle for intamin?
Interesting video. Trying to figure out who the new Six flags will work with moving forward. Seems like b &m and Vekoma are in. Premier and zamlerala better get the 2025 projects right or they are in trouble.
Trying to think of omitted manufacturers, but Meisho is literally the only one that comes to mind