動画作成者またはチャンネル等 DoomBlazer
動画の再生時間 01:00
公開日 2024-06-30 22:42:54
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Lowkey they need to make some Marvel Animated Movies for the big screen
Marvel Zombies being TV-MA and including all my favourite Phase 4 characters makes me hyped
I’m so hyped for marvel zombies. An r rated gory marvel animated show sounds sick
I feel Like What If Shouldn’t Focus On Captain Carter For the entire show, It Shouldn’t Focus On Anyone For the entire show
I’m currently watching the 90’s X-Men animated series, but I’m super excited to finally hop into X-Men ’97 and see how good this show truly is!
And as for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, aside from season 2 for X-Men, this show is my most anticipated Marvel animated project. And I want it *NOW!!!*
Loved the subtle dig on spider man lotus. But really though,marvel zombies and x men 97 are 2 upcoming animated projects that I’m really excited about. It’s good to see marvel animation finally showing some blood and gore.
Pre ranking a series is like reviewing a meal at a restaurant you’ve never been too.
Marvel Zombies will always be my most hyped
X-men ‘97 was AMAZING! I’m most excited for S2 of that!!
I haven’t watched X-men 97 yet is it good because I’ve heard a lot of people say it’s good
What If season 2 is insanely underrated imo…. such good animation and some great episodes
I hope they do what dcu is doing right now where some projects are animated and others are live-action cuz if mcu do the same then u don’t need to. worry about the budget issues or the cgi u know
X men 97 season 2 and your friendly neighborhood spider man im so excited for!