動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Makeshift Project
動画の再生時間 00:59
公開日 2024-11-28 07:41:01
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1.) Christmas
2.) Birthday
3.) Snow Day
4.) Super Bowl Sunday
5.) Thanksgiving Eve
That “jeeeezus Christ” was personal
1.) Christmas
2.) Snow Day
3.) Super Bowl
4.) Birthday
5.) Thanksgiving Eve
In the u.k as a adult I’ve never had a snow day, one time it was my day off the other a happened to sleep over at a friend’s and the shop was on my way home, I would have been out when the snow was fresh to walk on and by closing the snow would have melted next time I’m having the day off.
1) Christmas
2) Birthday
3) Snow Day
4) Thanksgiving Eve
5) Super Bowl Sunday
Never been to a Super Bowl, I watch it on TV
Blind playalong:
1. Superbowl sunday
2. My birthday
3. Snow day
4. Christmas day
5. Thanksgiving Eve
Would swap my birthday with snow day but I’m not mad at this result
1.) Snow Day (I live in Portugal and only got 2 of them in my life)
2.) UCL final day (gotta adapt the choice to european football)
3.) Christmas
4.) Easter (we don’t celebrate thanks giving, so I changed it)
5.) My Birthday
1. Birthday
2. Christmas Day
3. Snow Day
I’m not American so I don’t care about the others.
1. Christmas
2. Thanksgiving (and I am not even from the US)
3. Birthday
4. SuperBowl
5. Snow Day
Snow days are awesome though
2:snow day
5: Super Bowl
My birthday is on a holiday. And Christmas is still number 1. This guy is nuts