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動画の再生時間 00:56
公開日 2024-12-03 12:55:35
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Home Alone is not only the best Christmas movie, it is one of the best movies of all time. Nothing beat watching this movie every year on Christmas Eve. The themes of family, love, and forgiveness are powerful. Kevin’s relationship with Old Man Marley is great, and the scene where they talk in the church is very heartfelt. This movies also hilarious. Marv’s one liners never fail to get me, and of course the booby trap sequence is slapstick comedy at its finest. I love how quotable this movie is too. Will forever be the best Christmas movie OAT. “Keep the change ya filthy animal”
Not sure how my ranking of these would go but I’d personally swap Elf and Home Alone
Exactly Home Alone is a movie that you Can rewatch over and over and you never get tired of it
1. A Charlie Brown Christmas
2. Home Alone
3. The Polar Express
4. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
5. Elf
6. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
7. A Christmas Story
8. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
9. The Santa Clause (Never seen fully)
10. Christmas With the Cranks (Haven’t Seen at All)
Santa clause is easily number one for me
Never let him cook again
Wo wo wo, my family watches a Christmas story before we go to bed on Christmas eve every year. Christmas story is a 2 for me
The Polar Express is NIGHTMARE FUEL
Charlie Brown at 3 nah and the Santa Claus and Christmas vacation both should be higher imo. But again, it’s just what you grow up with
Heavily disagree that that is the best grinch. Jim carry is the goat
alright basic. grinch is easy 1, elf is 7, and home a alone is 4