動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Angelica Nyqvist
動画の再生時間 41:53
公開日 2025-01-13 22:59:09
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THANK YOU FOR YOUR ACCURATE ASSESSMENT OF NATIVE DEODORANT! People recommend it all the time, and it was really poor as deodorant for me, too. Tom’s was slightly worse, but not by much. Native also gave me a weird smell on top of leaving my regular BO.
I’m not a Lisa Eldridge stan, feel free to criticize her! I haven’t even tried her makeup lol BUT I am tempted by her new lipstick because of the packaging and am surprised you didn’t mention it, given your environmental experience. For me, $20 as a premium for zero landfill waste might be worthwhile.
You look like a glamorous unicorn with those eyes! ❤
I’m old enough that I remember when antiperspirant came on the scene. I’ve never looked back especially since I live in a hot humid climate (Miami). All the natural stuff can take a hike.
I thought the reaction to the price of Patrick Ta’s duo eyeshadows was over the top, especially considering what Urban Decay, Charlotte Tilbury, etc. have sold singles for. Then I saw his video reacting to people complaining about the price. It was so cringy! Then I saw Robert Welsh’s video about his reaction to a black creator who called him out on TikTok, because his brand had not paid her. He actually deleted his first video and redid it so he could look like he was crying. It was so gross. I really can’t see myself buying from his brand anymore at this point. I have liked some products, but he needs to stop with the gross videos.
The way i trust you❤❤❤ ur always honest no matter what brand or the hype
love your ranking/review videos, i appreciate that you use stuff multiple times before giving us your opinion!
Native stick deodorant isn’t the best for, say, a workout class, but I like it for just a quick grocery run, sitting around the house, or for when I worked as a receptionist and didn’t move much. I prefer the new cream formula in a tube that they released, I find better results as far as pilling and texture issues that you spoke about. But it’s definitely not for the gym, all day outdoor or active wear (unless you commit to reapplying), etc.
Woohoo when insomnia works for me
Hello from Australia