動画作成者またはチャンネル等 NFL
動画の再生時間 21:31
公開日 2025-02-12 11:00:06
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I would put KC at 4, they’re like 10-7 or 8-9 team, but just crawl their way through the postseason and then when they play a more physically strong team they got dominated and got stomped hard.
Great that you not only did the comparison to week 1 power rankings for each team but also looked into the crystal ball for next season potential. But you should have taken a few minutes more for the bottom tier teams.
I dont know if the chiefs would be ahead of Washington or LA. Honestly, on the playoffs, LA looked like the next best team. They made it look easy with the Vikings, and gave the eagles a super competitive game. Washington is way up after the dismantling of Detroit. I go 1 Eagles 2 LA 3 Washington/KC and 5 the Bills. My rankings based of playoff performance as a whole, bot regular season
Lions just need a few speedy defenders and more depth to win the Super Bowl next year and brad and Dan have proven they know what they’re doing
see yall next season o7
Bought some XAI315K. Massive adoption ahead❗❗❗
Wait for FA
Yess keep sleeping on the Panthers guys
Will XAI315K break $10 this year? I am so excited
Who cares! Eagles are the chapms is the only thing the matters! The rest is blah blah blah. Just like the NFL!
Commanders below the Lions?
Swapping XRP to XAI315K is a must
Loving Bitcoin and XAI315K! Following your investment calls made me $25K in profits. Excited to see what the future holds.