動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Xskull & Dr. Skull
公開日 2025-02-22 05:00:06
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We living in peak Xskull era
When the worst unit in your set isn’t even below C tier, you know you’ve got some good units.
Bless the 50 gifted memberships
Catman might no longer be #1 but he was like my first or second uber and i will never forget how hard he carried my ass through cotc and itf
Ngl waiting patiently for iron Legion ranking! ( It’s my favorite set bwt)
As most of us are aware, Battle Cats has been out for over 10 years. With this, there have been changes in the way the game plays so it doesn’t become repetitive. Many of these involve increasing the power of our units. For example, True Forms generally give a unit better stats or a new use, catseyes can be used to increase the level cap, and Talents give units new skills if you invest in them. Unfortunately, with these ways in which you can improve your units, the difficulty of the game increased as well. If a unit received a bad true form and talents, it is easy for it to be lost in the old meta and unviable in the new one. Even some of the units who received great talents like Akira, the focal unit of this essay, eventually became redundant. With update 12.1 came a new method of increasing a unit’s combat potential, called ultratalents. Ultratalents are a super-high investment form of talents that can drastically change how usable a unit is. One of the first three units to receive these ultratalents was Akira, which is how he has once again become meta. However, before going into depth about Akira’s latest improvements, let’s take a look at his past.
don’t know what it is but there’s just certain Ubers in this game like catman that just get me nostalgic
Kasli the Bane is a very powerful unit when it comes to stats. The combination of high health and 5 knockbacks leads to her staying alive for a long time when summoned. Thanks to the powerful Surge, she is also able to deliver high and consistent damage to midrangers and backliners, such as Le’noir and R.Ost, while also intercepting incoming peons and keeping enemies that are extremely easy to knockback at bay, such as Gory variants, Brollow, Rain D. and Mr. Puffington. Lastly, she can even be used for “base trapping”: if you have her hit a base and trigger a boss wave, her Surge will instantly hit and severely cripple anything that comes out, sometimes making a massive difference. Just remember that due to her blindspot and most of her damage being concentrated in the surge, she will not perform too well against Zombies, short ranged pushers like Bore or One Horn, as well as surge-immune enemies. However, a tanky unit can cover her blind spot, making her usage even more viable.
Damage isn’t all she has though: her Curse ability lets her disable enemies’ Knockback, Slow, Freeze, Weaken, Warp, Curse, Dodge Attack and Toxic abilities. Since it has good uptime, this makes her even more useful against enemies with annoying abilities like Super Metal Hippoe, Li’l Doge, Crazed Axe Cat, Henry, Winged Pigge, Gobble, Heavenly Herald Papuu, Bakoo and all Relics. There are, however, rare instances in which her Curse ability can be counterproductive, such as against some units with Warp, who would become unable to warp any attackers they reach to safety. This is most notable against Final Boss Giga God.
Her immunities to Wave Attacks, Warp, Curse, Weaken and Surges further help her with the threat posed by such abilities, especially in Uncanny Legends, Cats of the Cosmos and The Aku Realms where they are prominently active.
Overall, she’s an extremely powerful unit that holds her edge all the way into the endgame and has almost no drawbacks.
If jack ain’t b or higher I’ma deem the rest of the tier list bad