
Ranking Every Stormlight Archive Book

People & Blogs


動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Talking Story
動画の再生時間 49:00
公開日 2025-02-27 01:30:13 


  1. What a great summary. It’s been a pleasure watching you go on this journey, John!
    Like you, the last two books really fell off a cliff for me… Craft issues aside, I’m personally of the opinion that everything would have been better if RoW and WaT had both been chopped in half and combined. But I digress, every book has its redeeming qualities, and I’m glad this series has touched so many people.

  2. Great video! Feel like you gotta have an outline for this stuff with how eloquent you get through each of the points.

    I’m about halfway through RoW after taking a long break from the series. Happy to be back in the world, but my eyes do start to glaze over with all the fabrial minutiae.

  3. In my opinion it goes: oathbringer, way of kings, words of radiance, rhythm of war, wind and truth.

  4. Just at the start but I wanna compare my ranking with yours!
    1. Oathbringer
    2. Words of Radiance
    3. way of kings
    4 wind and truth
    5 rhythm of war

  5. Stormlight was my first exposure to Sanderson. I basically binged the entire series on audio over about a four month period. I really enjoyed myself beginning to end. The boundaries of the books themselves get a little fuzzy this way with plenty of rising and falling action, but it was a relatively seamless experience. I understand the criticisms of Wind and Truth particularly that are out there, and while I did roll my eyes a couple times, I was never brought out of the story. This first arc was definitely a five star read for me.

  6. Similar order
    My list.
    1 Oathbringer
    2 Words and Radiance
    3 Wind and Truth
    4 The Way of Kings
    5 Rhythm of War

  7. For me:
    Way of Kings and Words of Radiance are currently my two favorite books in any series, and are basically equivalent in quality.
    Oathbringer is next
    Rhythm of War is next
    Wind and Truth is last by a significant amount, yet it’s still one of my favorite books ever.

  8. I was surprised that by the end of book 5 I no longer cared at all for a character that was previously my second favorite character in all of fantasy.

  9. Loved the vid! I can totally understand the feeling of the magic running out after we had plenty of closure and development for the arcs of our 3 main characters. The fact that I was so captivated by Navani in bk 4 meant the magic stayed through Rhythm of War for me, but it did seep out by Wind and Truth.

    Most stories we inhabit (on film or in books or even in long series) rarely show us the main characters AFTER they have had their major character conflicts resolve and their catharses and gone through their major growth moments. Stormlight is bold for showing us the journey doesn’t stop at those moments of peak intensity, but no doubt it’s a bit anticlimactic and less impactful than the books that got us there.

  10. Lots of love for first 3 books – might just try reading those only someday

  11. 1. Words of Radiance
    2. The Way of Kings
    3. Oathbringer

    4. Rhythm of War
    5. Wind and Truth

    After first reading it I had it ranked #4, but as time goes on it just gets worse and worse in my memory, so now it sits comfortably in the #5 spot. This book is the singular reason why Stormlight is not my favorite series anymore.

  12. I’ll share mine as someone who is a former fan
    Way of Kings > Words of Radiance >>> Oathbringer >> Rhythm of War >> Wind and Truth

  13. I am just a little bit into Oathbringer, so my rabking goes Words of Radiance, Way of Kings.

  14. I’m right there with you. I feel that Sanderson is a really great starting point for anyone who’s taken a long break, or has never read fantasy before. Now that I’ve read things from Steven Erikson, Joe Abercrombie, Christopher Ruocchio, and Robin Hobb; I feel like Sanderson is a light meal, while the others I mentioned are a bit more on the heavy side. Sanderson is a great author, but when im looking for fantasy, I’ve kinda moved on from him.. At least for now!

  15. My ranking follows exactly book order. I’m 90% through WaT and I can’t wait for it to be over, I’ve had to skim some bits here and there, I just largely don’t even care at this point.
