
Ranking ALL Goldfield and Banks Fragrances Review Best Of Top 10 Entire Perfume Range Fragrance Line

Howto & Style


動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Claire Smith
動画の再生時間 32:07
公開日 2025-03-08 22:15:02 


  1. There is nothing I love more than sipping my Saturday morning coffee with you! I love the idea of what Goldfield & Banks represents – using these interesting native plants and materials to represent a geographic region. I’ve enjoyed the ones I’ve sampled but I haven’t connected with any of them enough to make a purchase. A friend gave me a bottle of Mystic Bliss but I think I’m going to share that with a friend. This was such a great and thorough look into what this brand has to offer. ❤

  2. Ooh looking to this Claire. I’ve got a couple from G&B plus a few samples.

  3. Excited to get your views on these…have coffee, ready to watch. 🙂

  4. I have Desert RoseWood and Sunset Hour..both were blind buys. Love them both, even though Sunset Hour had to grow on me while DR was a love at first sniff

  5. Blind bought Pacific Rock Moss but found it to be more feminine leaning imo.
