動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Bruce Williams
動画の再生時間 13:40
公開日 2025-03-12 02:20:40
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“When purchased properly” is THE move with Breitling. Absolutely critical. Good on you, Bruce, for adequately naming Breitling underrated and still pointing this out! I have a Premier but am eyeing a 42mm Avenger for 2500 on Jomashop in green right now.
Loved the sliding scale!
Have to agree on the submariner. I visited the Rolex boutique in Paris last week and before even asking what watches I was interested in – “we have a waiting list of 24k people and 5 year wait you know”. Like they are trying to put you off before even letting you see anything, it’s a horrible sales approach and immediately put me off purchasing any Rolex watches because I don’t want to give my hard earned cash to a brand that treats prospective customers like that. In another year or two when the gray market can’t make a profit anymore they’ll change their tune, and I’ll not go near them.
I tried on the submariner and whilst it was a perfectly nice watch, well finished, slim on the wrist and comfortable bracelet, it’s wasn’t “wow”, like my seamaster diver 300 black ceramic.
Went to Omega next door and picked up a planet ocean, looks better than the sub IMO, has a more intricate crafted case shape and the details on the dial and hands are a lot more sophisticated. Plus the 8900 movement is awesome and I like that you can look at it and how well it’s finished.
As for the Sub, everyone has one because it’s a great watch
Own Breitling and it’s uniquely designed and built like a tank. Thank you for highlighting this fantastic watch!
I want to get the Omega Seamaster 300M Summer Blue as my first Swiss watch. all my watches are Japanese (Seiko, Citizen, Grand Seiko).
The handset on the PO range is so sexy, maybe it would look good on the 300m one to?
On base, but I have a rule that a daily watch needs a date complication.
3:49 the serti subs are so cool in person. Definitely undervalued at the moment.
Hi Bruce, I have exactly the white SeaMaster 300 and the Breitling SO in 42 mm but no Rolex Sub.
There are reasons for this, which you have explained well.
Rolex has to be careful not to overdo it at a time when people are more concerned about money.
For me, the Breitling with the black dial was my replacement for the Submariner. It still works for me. I like it very much and you can’t see the movement and it can be repaired anywhere.
The Seamaster 300 is a classic, but I like the newer black version better. Maybe I’ll swap the watches, we’ll see…
For the most part, I agree with your assessment. I would have placed Omega more to the middle of the sliding scale. However, I think an even more underrated watch than the Breitling, and it should have been included in this discussion, is the Tag Heuer Aquaracer 300.
Another overall factor to consider is one’s willingness to wear in any or most environments. I am not always comfortable with the attention my Rolex attracts.
Valid observations. I like this style of video and the background looked better.