動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Justin Copeland
動画の再生時間 09:15
公開日 2025-03-17 00:54:40
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Great video and I enjoyed it and I’m a fan of this brand and have a blessed day
Best part about this series is that we get to see what all is in your collection. So many FragTubers have thousand s of scents but have only been showcasing the same 15 for years now
Absolutely! Your content is so good. One of my favourite fragrance channels hands down! Keep doing these ” best of the brand ” videos!
We LOVE this new series! Keep them coming.
Guerlain its so classy, I love this brand, thanks for sharing this Justin, I hope this series continues.
I was expecting Lhomm ideal l’intense. Great list! Would love to see top fragrances from hermes next!
I’ve watched you for a little awhile trying to find and expand into niche world and I found myself by passing your channel cause you didn’t always post popular fragrances and then I found myself saying you know what forget I’m getting a travel size of scent and see what I think. Needless to say I’ve ordered 5 full sized of ones you recommended . All that to say is I’m glad I bit the bullet because your taste is different and my husband is enjoying the recommendation and standing out from the rest. Great job. Learning to go against the grain and venture out more of what I’m interested in and enjoying the process of each fragrance I try! Keep up the good work and staying true to yourself and helping those who are not into it for the sake of being different but true to finding what they may like without even knowing!!
Evening Justin, been watching you for a bit now. You were the first reviewer to go outside the box on mentioning fragrances I wasn’t in tune with. My collection has grown, especially with a few Tom Fords. Just picked up ” Ebene Fume “. Love the depth of the woods and resins. Anyway I’m definitely gravitating towards different houses since tuning in . Enjoy your journey being a new parent.
Great Series!! Only fragrance from this. house is L’Homme Idéal EDP and I love it.
Love this series! I own Homme and Platine Prive.
I love the art of fragrances so whatever content you present to us I will fully enjoy, ☺️❤️
keep on the great job, Justin!
I tried Oud Khol from the higher end Guerlain line and I loved it.
I’m wearing a Guerlain today, Tobacco Honey. It’s a great cool weather scent, but if you wear it lightly, it’s also great for spring. One of Delphine Jelk’s best.