動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Adam Witt
動画の再生時間 24:36
公開日 2025-03-21 05:00:01
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Most underrated cooking channel! Hands down!
One of my favorite sandwiches is probably the simplest. The French Jambon Buerre , baguette, butter, cornichons, good quality ham, and I add arugula.
Growing up in South Florida I loved eating Cuban hot, pulled pork with au jus sandwiches. That was all the ingredients on the sandwich & they were delicious!
I went to college in Tampa, but I never had the Ybor City Cubano sandwiches.
When it comes to building a sub….you want to wrap the veggies with the meat/cheese slices before you fold it up. Meaning lay the meat/cheese away from the center of the bread a little, then add the lettuce, tomato and whatever else you’re adding. Then wrap the meat/cheese around the veg. You could use a little extra meat to lay on top of the veg. Tuck it in to the bread then close up the sandwich and slice. This way your veggie filling won’t fall out while eating it.
Awesome video, those sandwiches looked great. You gotta hit us with a part 2. Maryland’s known for our Pit Beef w/ raw onion and horseradish sauce, Soft Crab Sandwich with lettuce/tomato/mayo on a kaiser roll, or a Crab Cake Sandwichs with LTM on a kaiser, etc. Virginia’s got fried oyster sandwichs, country ham, the “sailor” which is pastrami w/ knackwurst and swiss. Lots of of great sandwiches in the Delmarva region
Years ago I moved to Philadelphia area from Illinois. I was raised on Italian beef which is tastier than the cheese steak but the locals swore by it. I kept trying it but didn’t get it having been spoiled by Chicago Italian beef. Finally having had dozens of cheese steaks with provolone I went to a place in Philadelphia that had cheese whiz. That elevated the sandwich tremendously.
You pulled off every single one with gusto. Bravo!
It is 100% OK with me that you left the onions off that Italian sub. Now you will be able to taste the other ingredients!
Maybe Adam will be the first youtuber to actually call Bifana the Portuguese National sandwich!!! Because everyone else got it wrong by even calling Francesinha a sandwich.
I’ve seen some people make a Cubano, but instead of using ham like it traditionally has, put turkey on it instead. Almost like they’re trying to make a Monte Cristo without frying it. When you said you were going to make it, I was a little bit worried. I knew I shouldn’t have been, but I was. Thankfully you made it the traditional way. I was a little bit surprised that a couple of sandwiches didn’t make your list, but then I thought about it. The sandwiches that I thought should have been on the list aren’t as well known as the ones you picked. I had thought about a Beef on Weck or a Chopped Cheese. I was about to protest the way you made the Philly Cheese Steak when I realized the Philly version isn’t like a Cheese Steak sandwich. Philly only putting onions on it. I’ve had a Cheese Steak sandwich with peppers and onions. I’ve also had a Cheese Steak sandwich with peppers, onions and mushrooms on it too.
hoagie spread is so good, it’s pretty much calabrian chilis in water instead of oil
Amazing there isn’t an Italian beef (or breaded steak) in the running. It would look biased if one were to ‘win,’ but not even putting in the list is a bold move
That Frankenstein with the pickled onions would be awesome! Why no Philly Roast pork!!
Loved it, I love Italian subs!
No Italian beef? No breaded steak? Boo man.