
Ranking Frozen Chicken Nuggets | Best with Babish

People & Blogs


動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Babish Culinary Universe
動画の再生時間 49:26
公開日 2025-03-22 22:01:11 


  1. Ranked bottled water when??

  2. Chicken nuggets, a perfect pairing with a tall glass of vintage Gatorwine.

  3. The next thing up is French Fries.

  4. Finally something to listen to on our road trip that me my wife and kids have an invested interest in

  5. Ranking acid reflux meds video incoming

  6. I work 3rd shift frozen foods. I’m about 2 minutes into the show, and I have to say that a lot of these products are related. I know this because of recalls.

  7. I want to see babish eat a whole bag of those nuggets

  8. “We’re Back!” is what you were thinking. Found it again recently to reignite some nostalgia. Definitely would have been better with Dino nuggies.

  9. Wfm butcher here, the amount of these nuggies that I carry in my department is staggering. And most of them are terrible.

  10. 15:32 slick editing job here, working through Babish’s pause by using the first half of the sentence as voiceover for the clip containing the second half

  11. Ah, the menagerie of mechanically separated chicken.

  12. This whole episode is just giving “I cant believe it IS chicken!!”

  13. I just got some Great Value Walmart chicken nuggs yesterday, and I surprisingly like their spongy chicken paste texture, probably because they’re seasoned decently…

  14. Bonus points if it’s in a shape that isn’t a blob or dinosaur
