動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Justin Copeland
動画の再生時間 21:24
公開日 2025-03-24 00:37:36
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動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Justin Copeland
動画の再生時間 21:24
公開日 2025-03-24 00:37:36
I wore beach hut on vacation on Mallorca , tried it in cold Germany .., wasn’t a fan ! To strong … I showered . Sprayed it on . Went to the beach thought .., „ok the heat and sun is doing something“ ….times goes on evening comes around… I rented a bike and took it for a ride around the farms and Fincas into the hills … and let me tell you something… something in that scent was hitting it when the sun went down , the air got colder , your body still evaporates heat and you smell the salty ocean from the distance this Parfum creates a magical atmosphere… especially in that Mediterranean nature . It was unmatched. The freshness of the mint combined with the calming warm spicy notes . So strong after hours of wearing !
The best fragrance tuber. Period.
No Interlude Man is surprising, but like you said, it’s your list for today.
Thanks for the video.
Thanks for the shoutout, brother! Great ranking, and i can see why Beach Hut is your number 1, it’s honestly the best in the business when it comes to green frags.
Happening to be wearing Beach Hut while watching this! ❤
“Wife… and KID”?! Did I miss that somehow, Justin?!
king blue is in my top 3. the longer you own it, the smoother the “funk” gets
This sincere money advice at the beginning touches the heart, I wish I could remember sometimes, or reason myself into being a vit more financially responsible
Great list. Looking forward to Frederick Malle, Xerjoff, and more.
Jubilation 40, Reflection, and Royal Tobacco and my go to’s. Just grabbed a new bottle of Reflection Man yesterday and I’m wearing it as I watch this. So so good!!
My personal top 5 are
1. Reflection 45
2 enclave
3. Portrayal
4. Search
5. Jubilation xxv
I won’t lie most of them are from your recommendations so thanks!
Overture Man is incredible
My favorite house! I own Reflection, Epic, Journey, Interlude 53, Jubilation 25, Portrayal, and Outlands. You must get Epic in your collection, Justin! I am also working on getting Bracken and Sunshine. I know they are discontinued so I’m trying to find reasonably priced bottles. Also don’t forget to get Bois 1920 Marasma! You must review this one!!
1. Overture Man
2. Bracken Man
3. Myths Man
4. Jubi25
5. Journey Man
6. Portrayal Man
7. Search
Top 7 from my current Amouage. Number 1 and 2 are fixed. The others will change possition…depend on the day.
I used to have Royal Tobacco, Silver Oud, King Blue, Interlude Black Iris and Epic. I only regret having sold King Blue, but I understand why it came last.
Still looking for a deal on Dia Man, Sunshine Man, Jubi40, Purpose, Beach Hut and Enclave. Of those, only Enclave would sneak into the top 3.
Great rankings! I love Lineage and you’re right, it is the fenugreek that gives it that distinctive marine-like scent. Fenugreek is used in one of my favorite Japanese incense, so I’m definitely partial to it. I’m surprised Purpose was released in a stronger form since it’s very strong in it’s original format; I love the OG. Your top two are definite favorites of mine but my absolute favorite is Gold Man. No one seems to mention it, but I was blown away at first sniff. And it’s still amazing in its current formulation. Dia Man is definitely on my pick up list for this summer.