動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Destro Is My Spirit Animal
動画の再生時間 52:15
公開日 2025-03-26 06:30:06
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It’s funny the older I get the more I appreciate the weird and whacky Joe’s, I love that Classified is releasing the later deep cuts
Favorite toy/collectibles channel on YouTube! . Yooooo Joe!
I am thinking Sneak Peak should be reimagined as a Drone operator in today’s world whenever we get a classified figures of him
Thanks man. I needed a fun video today.
You don’t want Psych-Out ? Well, I DO ! Awesome video.
Your videos are always fun. I think my list is pretty close to yours. I think I might put Battle Armor Cobra Commander higher. He was the talk of the block back then. I look at him now and he’s kind of Boba Fett like. Still cool.
Street Sharks, Biker Mice from Mars, and Cowboys of Moo Mesa
Big Boa was created as they wanted to feature Rocky Balboa as training the Joe’s and he would be his nemesis. Stallone went with the Rambo cartoon so it never came to be.
Speaking of, Classifieds needs to make a Zanzibar with or without the skid. Maybe give him some dreads or something.
I loved The Renegades!!! I know they are making a Classifieds Mercer/Sarge two pack, but dammit, they better make Taurus and Red Dog too!!!
I feel personally attacked! I’m sitting watching this video realising 1987 must have been when I bought most of my figures. Had him, had him, had him, had him. I was 6!!!!
’87-’88 was when the toys went into the toybox and BMX, skateboards and girls replaced all toys.