動画作成者またはチャンネル等 CA Niraj Dugar (Holistic Prime Wealth)
動画の再生時間 12:55
公開日 2025-03-26 20:30:03
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How difficult a card is to get is one of the criteria you had to rank them. If you rank them purely based on the features and value what would be your ranking (don’t consider difficultly of getting a card). It should also make sense for the folks who can actually get these cards and want to know the ranking
Got DCB metal! Spent 4L per quarter in last 2 quarters and got 20K bonus RP. Which I wouldn’t have got with Infinia! Simply chasing for Infinia doesn’t make sense and DCB metal is easy to get and gives more RP!
Please tell about criteria and hurdles to obtain the cards as well. It is astronomically easier to get Plat charge than EPM or Infinia
How much is your annual spend on CCs to make most out of such premium cards?
great video
Niraj, I have HDFC BizBlack card for the last 5 months and have crossed 9L spends on it. Should I wait for the 6th month to get over before writing to HDFC for an Infinia upgrade since I have cleared the spend criteria?
Hey Niraj, which forex card are you referring to while speaking about infinia?
Regaliagold is far far better. Than some of the cards in the list..
I received ICICI Emeralde private metal yesterday. I have also applied for Infinia and Axis Burgundy. If I have to choose one among these 2, which one would you recommend if i already have icici emeralde.