動画作成者またはチャンネル等 The IIM Guy
動画の再生時間 17:24
公開日 2025-01-16 22:30:11
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Hey Abhishek, Thanks for the amazing videos as always you do, would love to see a college on Sector Specific Quality B-schools…. like Top 25 colleges for Finance, Consulting & Marketing so that it helps everyone make a prudent decision, especially for people who want to make their career in a specific field as per latest data& Reports, once again thank you for such quality & realistic videos…..
Bade Bhai, can you please make the same video for the Online MBA in India ranking???
Sir imt ghaziabad vs ximb vs gim which if converted which should we choose? For finance specialisation
Bhaiya does it make sense to leave a lower tier 1 college according to your video for another attempt for Lucknow, Fms etc…
Hi sir, your videos really help us a lot as you give us genuine information. Thank you so much for all the efforts. Also, can you please tell how is GIM Goa for core and bda programs? Is it a good college? Specially for analytics, how is it?
Top Colleges in Kolkata.
1) IIM Calcutta
2) IIFT Kolkata
3) IIT Kharagpur
4) IMI Kolkata
5) MDI Murshidabad
6) IIEST Shibpur
7) NIT Durgapur
8) Xavier University Kolkata
9) IISWBM University of Calcutta.
10) Golbsyn Kolkata
11) Praxis Kolkata
12) Amity University Kolkata
What about irma ??
Is it come under top 40 ???
Haven’t gave any MBA exam , and want to get in a good business analyst college , any suggestions sir , very much confused
Sir could you please talk about or express your opinion regarding Bimtech??
Brother I have 64 % in 12th it’s going to be difficult to get Admission in IIM’s Or other top B- school?
Sir, I have a doubt, I have done 6 months and 3 months internship with different companies, so should I mention work experience in all or internship?
Please make a video on top 5 colleges for online MBA
Hey Bhaiya,
Need your idea on UPES, Dehradun. Is it good for ROI & Placements?