動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Angelica Nyqvist
動画の再生時間 34:38
公開日 2025-03-19 21:15:02
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I love your eye make up today! So classy! And I usually am head over heels for shimmer, but this look!! Gorgeous!!! ❤
You’re stunning in every way Angie, starting with your intelligence, creativity, artistry, sense of humour/quick wit and your overall personality, but there’s no denying your outward beauty too ❤️
The eye look is so pretty and looks like Galactic Visitor.
11:46 I use the blend bunny plastic pinks for blush! It’s an amazing palette the x Lins wasn’t my favest but it’s still nice! Beauty below is the star of the show. Maggie is a visionary! I wish Maggie would x Angeschka! In my dreams
I very much enjoyed this. Thank you for your work and time, Angie! Lovely look too. You made me love an all-matte look.
I loooooooove an Angie palette ranking video!!!! Thank you! ❤❤❤❤
Molten metals by gloss gods looks so good for a neutral palette. ❤
I think Millie did such a good job on her collab with clionad.
Unearthly really killed the remastered not normal palette. It’s on my wishlist. I loved the OG and I think this extended version is even better.
I am on team cool toned everything lol so I’ve been appreciating all the cool tones. Especially the simply posh snow angel palette. I think they did such a fantastic job with that one. It’s not my perfect cool toned palette, but it’s pretty close.
i think at the end of the day, in the beauty community there will ALWAYS be people who prefer warm tones and people who prefer cool tones. i think neither will ever go out of style, and the industry will continue to oscillate between the two. i love cool tones, so i struggled with years of warm toned releases and know it will go flop back to that eventually (which is totally okay!). ❤ (all said while the natasha denona i need a warm palette is on its way to me, lol)