動画作成者またはチャンネル等 WrightDownMainStreet
動画の再生時間 31:47
公開日 2025-02-13 02:47:54
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I don’t care about Disney parks, but I LOVE watching your videos! You’re so honest about the food it’s hilarious. You DO NOT hold back!
Yay!! My “Hi Kristen” shout from the train made it in!! lol
I actually walked past you While you were filming the last part of this video and said I liked your content. Keep doing what you do because it helped us know where to go for quick service. Fun fact: we were on our way to get the Mac and cheese and when we tried to use a snack credit the woman said it was a quick service , which we thought was odd so we had to pay out of pocket. Thank you again for all you do.
My girlfriend and I were hanging out at Animal Kingdom yesterday and we could have sworn we saw you walking past. We should have said hi, but we weren’t sure it was you. Then we saw this video pop up and saw ourselves in the background. Maybe we’ll catch you later in the week at another park! Great video.
I like the way you hold the plates and bowls, so we can see the food. Your details in describing, editing, showcasing the product has really really gotten top notice. You deserve 1 million followers. Compared to others, you are so good.
I live in a rural area. We have no Starbucks, and I enjoy some of their espresso drinks, so I do take the opportunity to have one on vacation. Having said that, spending my time in line for a coffee in WDW is no bueno.
Kristen I was the girl who you met by the Pandora quick service waiting for the flight of passage ride! It was so nice to meet you! Love all your content and videos!
Love these vids, very helpful!
Such a great and insightful video, thank you! Animal Kingdom is my fave WDW park, so it was cool to see some food options I’ve not tried yet 🙂
Excellent video as always!
Thank you Kristen!