
Six Flags’ Insane Spending Spree | Ranking the Coasters

Travel & Events


動画作成者またはチャンネル等 Airtime Thrills
動画の再生時間 15:47
公開日 2025-03-21 07:00:31 


  1. As a business major I’ve actually brought up Six Flags in several of my assignments when it comes to how to NOT handle investments

  2. Six Flags America is a perfect example of a park with a budget that outpaced the organic growth. Rather than spending all their money on clones in two years, they should have used their money for original layouts that give guests real reasons to visit the park.
    There’s nothing that stands out at this park that makes someone want to drive great distances because they could experience any of these rides at another park.

  3. 1999 was definitely a good year to be an enthusiast and I remember all the excitement on RRC (rec.roller-coaster, a Usenet group) – here in Florida we got Gwazi at Busch Gardens, Rock and Roller Coaster at MGM, and of course Incredible Hulk and Dueling Dragons at the newly opened Islands of Adventure (with Flying Unicorn a year later) and Woodie Woodpecker at Universal Studios. The following year brought us Kraken at SeaWorld Orlando. It seemed that every major park had something – Cedar Point to Dollywood to Knoebel’s to Holiday World
    It was also the year that RollerCoaster Tycoon and Sim Theme Park (Theme Park World) hit store shelves – the latter was a sequel to Bullfrog’s Theme Park and is mostly forgotten now, but it was one of the first 3D coaster games

  4. For all the Zoomers in the comments who weren’t alive or barely breathing at the time, the late 90s and early 2000s was pure euphoria. No exaggeration, irrational exuberance wasn’t just in the stock market, the amusement park industry was there for it too. It sucks many of you never got to experience this great time in roller coaster history.

  5. Crazy that Great America only got one (really really really really good) coaster of that 40. Though they did get coasters in 98, 2001 and 2002 (though it was supposed to be 2 in 01)

  6. I’ll be honest, I like positive G’s as much as any enthusiast, but I’m genuinely grateful for the hard trims on Goliath’s second half. That final helix already makes me gray out, and any faster through that and I would be passed out in my seat, blood in my feet.

  7. I completely agree with your rankings.

    Raging Bull and Superman at SF New England were definitely my faves during those years…and both are still in my top 25 today.

  8. From the flagship of Premier Parks to the bottom of the Six Flags totem pole. My first trip to Six Flags America was in 2001 as a child, so I can only imagine how cool it would’ve been had I been like 10 years older then.

  9. 7:57 If you ever wanted to know what Rock & Rollercoaster looked like without its ride building, here it is.

  10. It was an excellent idea to base the rankings on how the coasters operated when they opened and not how they are now. Also, like many of the other commenters, I have SO much nostalgia for this time period. 1999 in particular was just the greatest year for entertainment. The movies, video games and of course the roller coasters…so many of the best things in all my favorite hobbies came to be in that one year.

  11. I was about to go all “you forgot boss” until I realized you put it at 5! I rode it a couple years ago and it messed up my back. I’m pretty young, and that was the roughest coaster I’ve ever ridden

  12. Having SFNE as my temporary home park and after riding Superman over 100 times now, I have to say it’s nothing short of a MASTERPIECE! Not surprised to see it’s #1, very well deserved! ❤

  13. I think another flaw in this type of investment strategy is that it kind of cheapens the additions. I remember when geauga lake opened Texas Twister and it was kind of a huge deal that there was a new ride coming. Same with when they got their boomerang. But then one year it was like “bam! Several new giant coasters at once.!” Granted at the time I was a late teen and just kind of negative, but personally none of it appealed to me. It just felt kind of soulless. I don’t know, I have to comment any time you mention geauga lake I guess though.

  14. What a great video idea!!
